Trolling overseas, 40 people and heads up the Health Data standards branch for a division of NIH called the National Library of Medicine. So the US National Library of Medicine and you can think of it as the nation’s Health Library. All the major peer-review journals are there and they have electronic databases electronic cataloging, they manage the PubMed application. That makes all this information available to the general public. They manage clinicaltrials.gov, which is the application that summarizes, clinical trial results. And, uh, it appears that what Mr. Shalon’s division is Health data. Standards is responsible for is analysis of visual data. This is x-ray and MRI data analyze and develop, new capabilities that will make these kinds of information and data more generally available a They might have funded alive, in Wuhan China to like make Pokemon Pfizer, and moderna was getting a bunch of money from it. From all these vaccine mandates. Roger Shore is with a National Institute of Health for other vaccines, like measles or whatever you have to go through several rounds of approval. But these were accelerated through the approved. Do you think that of, like, the family got you today? But it’s like really fucking people with stuff, but I think we’re all going to learn when it’s too late. I think that’s important. The lack of Effectiveness of the vaccine product. Like the six foot, remember that? Like, that wasn’t quite based on any real evidence that that did it. It was completely made up. Roger, then brings up politics talks about which political party, he prefers and what would happen to him in NIH under an incoming Trump Administration. I think it would be worse for the NIH. I think it would be better for a Democrat to be in office. We sometimes fly under the radar. Yeah. Of like the the really sweet guys. I don’t think it would impact you. I don’t think I have too much to worry about. That’s not recording, right?
Roger Schuler is with the National Institute of Health or NIH and has only been on the job for two months. All the other brand sheets are like 55. Wow. And I don’t know, shit. I know about the like subject matter, but I don’t know about any of the government, like how budgets were or how like the, um, The hierarchy Works in his role. Trolling oversees, 40 people and heads up the Health Data standards branch for a division of NIH called the National Library of Medicine. So the U.S national Library of Medicine, you can think of it as the nation’s Health Library, all the major peer review, journals are there and they have electronic databases electronic cataloging, they manage the PubMed application. That makes all this information available to the general public. They manage clinicaltrials.gov, which is the application that summarizes, clinical trial results. And, uh, it appears that what Mr. Shalon’s division is Health data. Standards is responsible for is now assists of visual data. This is x-ray and MRI data analyze and and develop new capabilities, that will make these kinds of Information and data more generally available for searching while he admits, he may know nothing about the bureaucracy. He says he knows a lot about public health. What do you think about the NIH? Now you were working there, obviously, lots of experiences about my cousin is like, how about you not. Yeah, well I don’t so I’m not probably shouldn’t be like saying this out loud. I haven’t gotten the latest coverage shots and I’m not going to serious mixed evidence about it. That really does anything cholan then goes on to tell her undercover journals that people under 30 are more at risk for heart conditions from the covid. Vaccine for people that are like 30 or under. If really if this is your risk for like heart questions, the data does show that. I don’t even know if these vaccines started from getting total. They don’t, I don’t think so, like, it’s supposed to make you less sick if you get it, I don’t know if it really prevent some traditionally, he is speaking casually, candidly. About the risks of the virus. The risks of the vaccine product, particularly as it relates to myocarditis. Uh, the lack of Effectiveness of the vaccine product, he’s saying that it doesn’t prevent infection. Uh, it Prevent disease. These are statements that I have made back a few years ago, that I was called a liar for saying by the Washington Post. But now there’s like, there is some like evidence out that that, um, National Institute for allergy and infectious disease. That’s where fauci was the directors. Like, they might have funded some Labs to like do, um, vaccine studies and like disease, like to prepare for an outbreak, they might have funded hoo-ha alive in Wuhan China to like make, but I believe in the science I don’t and like, it seems like too much of a big conspiracy and generally now that I’m a fed like people in the government do want to do the right, everyone’s there, kind of behind this, like at least that maybe more so on age at NIH or in health and Human Services. People like want to help people improve health. Yeah. So I don’t know that. I believe that these people are all like trying to spread Then basically go to jail, if Dad and patchy were actually doing this. If the proof comes out that they were funding it, maybe they were actually funding it just to like be prepared and shit went wrong. They were trying to study a virus. So that when it did break, if and when it did break, we would be prepared for the response to it. But instead, they accidentally funded the thing that like caused, I don’t know, But hopefully, the intentions were good up front. It doesn’t like, excuse them out, right? But I don’t like the six-spoot rule, remember that, like, that wasn’t, like, based on any real evidence that, that did it really? Yeah. And again, I think they were just trying to do the right thing, but it was completely made up
If they had said, five feet versus six feet right or seven feet, like it was all just they just baited up. Do you think that of like the them or anything their evidence show? Like part of like myocarditis
It definitely increases your risk for that.
I think that’s well known now and Pfizer. And moderna are just getting a bunch of money from it. From all these vaccine mandates. I think like, in the like, for other vaccines like measles or whatever you had to go through several rounds of approval, right? And submit a bunch of data to prove about like, side effects and things, but the Were accelerated through the approvements. And they made billions of dollars it gets like really effective people. I think we’re all going to learn when it’s too late. What would make it too late? Okay? Like, it’s been already have been 10 years down the road and then a bunch of people will have gotten, like all 10 boosters.
Why do you not want to get them again? If I’m going to get coveted anyway, and I’m gonna be all right, why increase my risk further down myocarditis, the very Foundation of Journalism is to get answers a common technique by wish to do that is called a foia or Freedom of Information. You must be submitted many foyers particularly for body cam footage. But then this government official tells our undercover journals that NIH is intentionally giving orders to make getting a foia. Even more difficult. Is there anything that like it found out? Okay, so like the press or whoever can like request from the government of show us emails or whatever. Yeah. This article claims that they were like misspelling words on purpose. So then if there was a foia request for whatever, Uh, coronavirus they misspelled, Chronic. They were instructed to misspell it on purpose so it wouldn’t return on the search I think his journalists Roger then brings up politics talks about which political party, he prefers and what would happen to him in NIH under an incoming Trump Administration? Well, what do you mean? I think it would be worse than NIH. I think it would be better for a Democrat to be in office. There’s some like section F, but I don’t even know what section F means. It’s supposed to be proposed Cuts and I I think where I work at the nln, libraries we sometimes fly under the radar. Yeah, of like the the really Street guys, I don’t think I have too much to worry about either just like the whole connection.
What happened with RX7 specifically? Well, he’s like excuse for her and Thai anti-vaxxiety just like antibiotics. Yes, I don’t even know like shoots. It’s not like your question.
I don’t think so, really, I don’t think it would impact you. I just wonder like you know I’d be like I wonder a lot of people like there would probably get fired. Or they would retire. And so then you’d just be left with a bunch of um, institutes and divisions that like are understands and so anything that RFA would want to do probably looks like one feet. That’s my guess. So Roger questions. The vaccine companies colluding skipping approvals and creating false guidelines. It all just seems like a bunch of buffoonery. It all seems contradictory and the question again, is this villainous Behavior? Is this corrupt Behavior? Is this just government incompetence to quote? Raja is this just a guy who quote knows shit about nothing but he clearly knows some things about something and he says, he knows a lot about public health. And the real question is, are these the type of people we want in our government, making medical decisions? And that question might be answered by the incoming HHS, secretary Robert F Kennedy. Stay tuned. Wait, hold on. Do you know about like Honey? Potting people that like to ask on dates and then they get asked questions about their work and then they’re like recording. This is so now you’re like, asking me. Am I opinion about these? Uh, conspiracies. I feel like I’m not supposed to answer it. That’s not recording, right?