
- 霜降りの量や 脂肪のつき具合も調整できる
- 大豆やエンドウ豆のタンパク質、ひよこ豆、ビーツ、栄養酵母を含む原料から製品を製造している。
- 食肉を理解し、何が食肉をこれほどエキサイティングにしているのかを深く研究し、植物から再現できるいくつかの成分を特定
- 動物の肉の組織と同じ正確な性能を持ち、添加物製造の組み合わせで、動物を使用することなく、あなたが経験する正確な感覚、おいしいステーキを提供
再定義された肉は、その珍しいホバーボード本社で、大規模な肉のプリンタを運営しています。テルアビブの南だけでなく、オランダの新しい工場で。同社の3Dプリンタプロジェクトのマネージャー。あなたはシェルにいるそれがどのように動作するかを説明します。私は自分の状態を作成したいときは、私はライブラリを持っていることができます。数種類のスラブがある。それぞれを選んで 調整できる 霜降りの量も指定できる
霜降りの量や 脂肪のつき具合も調整できる だから私はそれを置く。これが私のティール。これは私の今日のタイムラインです。今から1時間後には、新しい材料を機械に補充する必要がありますが、今は直接プリントプロセスに入ることができます。そして、どのように工程がレイヤーごとに構築され始めるかを見ることができる。
植物由来の代替金属は、近年ますます人気が高まっている。スペインの新興企業nova meatも3Dプリンティング技術を使ってベジタリアン・ステーキを製造しているが、インフレや不況の懸念が一部の顧客をより安価な肉製品に押し戻したため、植物由来の代替肉に関する初期の誇大宣伝は下火になっている。
原文はこちら(by 文字起こしアプリ)
Your steak could soon be 3d printed. That’s if you live in europe is really company to define need for stroke of partnership. With important, geraldi meats to drive european distribution of its new meat. Steak cuts, The startup is hoping to establish his products as an alternative to conventionally produced meat.
Redefined meat operates, large scale meat printers at its rare hoverboard headquarters. South of Tel Aviv as well as in a new factory in the Netherlands. Manager of the company’s 3d printers project. You’re on a shell explains how it works. When i want to create my state, i can i have a library. Of a few different slabs. I can choose each one of them, and i can adjust it accordingly. I can define them the amount of marbling,
The eternal fact or the external fat, And now i can and i can start and going printed they produce it. So i’m putting it. This is my teal. This is my my timeline for today. I know that in an hour something from now i will need to refill the the machine with new new material, but now i can go directly into the printing process. And you can see how how the process start to build there by layer.
The company makes its products from ingredients including soy and pea proteins, chickpeas. Beetroot, nutritional yeasts and coconut fat, co-founder and chief executive. As child bench. Citrate define meat was launching tenderloin and strip loin steaks. In the best two years we have been working deeply on understanding meat and what makes meat so exciting and we identified a few components that we can recreate from plants. And have the same exact performance as the tissue of animal meat, giving you with the combination of additive manufacturing, the exact feeling your experience, a good steak, a good cup of meat coming from an animal without the use of the animal.
Plant-based metal alternatives have become increasingly popular in recent years. Spanish startup nova meat is also using 3d printing technology to manufacture vegetarian steaks, but the early hype about plant-based meat alternatives has ebbed as inflation and recession worries, have driven some customers back to cheaper and a more meat products.
Companies, such as us-based beyond meat, have cut their sales outlooks redefine meat. However, has big ambitions
It’s new meters currently available in israel, britain the netherlands and germany. Almost 1000 restaurants are currently paying about 40 dollars per two pounds sports steak cuts. The company plans to launch his products at restaurants and butchers in france. Then in Italy, grief and sweden later this year and in dozens more countries in 2023. We feel a word in a decade from now that new meat or meat made from plants is a big part of the meat industry. It replaces a lot of the meat that people consume today that is bad for the environment and bad. For the most, most of the people in supply chain, i still believe that people will consume high quality meat forever coming from animals. And these two industries we live side by side. Even when we will become one percent two percent and the industry will come 10 percent of the meat industry. The impact on the planet is so big that it’s worthwhile to pursue it in the next decade.